Edwardscott Gay pictures

( pictures)
Bad Puppy - scene 786

Bad Puppy - scene 762

Chase Lyons comes to us from Chicago, hes one hung 22 year o

Legacy was born in Germany, but comes to us today from Georg

22 year old Doctor Dangler comes to us from Atlanta GA. Hes

22 year old King comes to us from Dunwoody, GA. He is a Cust

Zack comes to us from Atlanta Georgia. Hes straight, 22 year

Brian Bonds returns to us in this special solo, filmed exclu

23 year old Tyler Andrews comes to us from Atlanta, GA. Tyle

Preston Drake is a 22 year old Bisexual stud from Texas. Pre

29 year old Griffin Dirk lives in Yeehaw Junction, FL and is

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