Tattoos Gay pictures

( pictures, page 29 of 42)
Heres an outstandingly handsome recruit whos joining us for

Well Claude has been hard at work lately, making sure our la

Im sure most everyone remembers Brad Davis, who, not long ag

Heres a sweet n hottie for you to feast your eyes on. His na

This time we have Ivan James and Brad Banks. Ivan is a lot o

This one turned out to be such a fun hookup, with two guys t

Now herere two fine recruits that are gonna really get yer e

You wont believe how handsome and fresh-faced this fine recr

Now this is what its all about, my friends. This is an extre

A new recruit has arrived and he is an all American boy for

Looks like we have Ivan back out in the battlefield and this

Guy is the quiet type yet shows lots of promise as a dominat

Allan is shaved from head to toe smooth as can be with a gre

Hung Americans - Part 1, Scene 01

Hung Americans - Part 1, Scene 02

Relentless, Scene 02

Open Road - Part 2, Scene 01

Relentless, Scene 03

Open Road - Part 2, Scene 02

Hung Americans - Part 1, Scene 03


Total Exposure 1, Scene 01

Total Exposure 1, Scene 02

Total Exposure 1, Scene 13

Dirty Fuckers, Scene 03

Total Exposure 2, Scene 01

Total Exposure 2, Scene 04

Total Exposure 2, Scene 08

Dick Moves, Scene 01

Fuck Yeah!, Scene 01


Fuck Yeah!, Scene 02

Dick Moves, Scene 03

Dick Moves, Scene 04

Fuck Yeah!, Scene 04

Temptation, Scene 01

Temptation, Scene 02

Labyrinth, Scene 02

Temptation, Scene 03

Labyrinth, Scene 03

Fit Nathan Plows Into Casper!

Can Damien Take It All

Jack Relentlessly Humps Ross!

Craig Gets It Good From New Boy Nathan!

Cruz Sonny, Scene 01

Gannon, Scene 01

Sonny, Scene 01

Cruz Niko, Scene 01

Grant III, Scene 01

Vic Solo II , Scene 01

Hung Americans - Part 1, Scene 04

Hung Americans - Part 2, Scene 01

Sun Kissed, Scene 01

Hung Americans - Part 2, Scene 02

Tight, Scene 02

Hung Americans - Part 2, Scene 04

Tight, Scene 04

Size Matters, Scene 01

Size Matters, Scene 02

Man Power, Scene 01

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