Tattoos Gay pictures

( pictures, page 27 of 42)
Ricky Stance Scott Millie

Zack Matthews Brad Powers

Brad Powers

James Devlin Dominic


Princeton Price Quentin Gainz

Scott Millie Chase

Rick Tolls Craig Cameron

Kevin Daniels

Phillip Fox

Hung Country, Scene 02

Backstage Pass 2, Scene 01

Bout To Bust, Scene 04

Hung Country, Scene 03

Hung Country, Scene 04

Hung Country, Scene 05

Dicklicious, Scene 04

Destroyer, Scene 03

Destroyer, Scene 04

State of Arousal, Scene 01

State of Arousal, Scene 02

Backstage Pass 2, Scene 02

Backstage Pass 2, Scene 03

Wasteland, Scene 01

My goodness, what an amazing thing to capture on camera! Thi

This time we have a very special introduction to make. This

Im so glad to see our boy James back! He was such a hard-wor

The recruits keep falling in waiting for their chance to be

Goodness, it seems like its been too long since weve had the

We have a very excited recruit for you today. Hes eager to s

I can tell you right off the bat that this ones goin down in

Now I want you to remember this young man, because youll soo

Ive been thinking lately that its high time for a prospect w

This one was just so much laid-back fun! Mike Hollister show

Now this is what I like to see! Chris is definitely a nice l

I have to say, I was a little surprised at the conclusion of

Well we have a fresh face this time for yall to enjoy. Hes a

This week our recruit is a light weight coming in at only 13

This is what I like to call a perfect storm. There aint no h

The recruits keep falling in waiting for their chance to be

Heres a nice, heaping serving of fresh, hot MAN! This is my

By now ol James has become known around here as one of our f

I know everyone will be excited about this one. We have Chas

It certainly shouldnt be a surprise that I go absolutely nut

Timberwolves, Scene 03

Magnetism, Scene 01

Hole 2, Scene 01

Timberwolves, Scene 04

Hole 2, Scene 02

Magnetism, Scene 03

Hole 2, Scene 03

Couples, Scene 01

Open Road - Part 1 , Scene 02

Open Road - Part 1 , Scene 01

Magnetism, Scene 04

Open Road - Part 1 , Scene 03

Hole 2, Scene 04

Relentless, Scene 01

Open Road - Part 1 , Scene 04

Backstage Pass, Scene 01

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